God's love

Christian Books and Daily Devotions

The book, The One True God - His Characteristics and Names, is available at Amazon and Walmart, and wholesale through Ingram Distributors.

The One True God - His Characteristics and Names  

The One True God - His Characteristics and Names (online version)

Why buy my book, since I have a free online version?

The short Bible study book, God Loves You and Me (pdf format), written for the organization, Answers for Life, can be printed for personal study.


A new book is being written: God Loves You and Me Daily Devotional


Devotional Bible Lessons for Women

Some examples of devotions you may want to read are:

Mothers and fathers can be a godly influence on their children

The One True God is our Loving Eternal Father

Sacrifice - the cost of freedom

Got Empathy! It's badly needed in our fallen world

Why does God allow us to suffer? - Part 1

Where is God when I hurt? Or the silence of God! - Part 2

Index to Devotions

insights for women about God

Each short Devotion From Gini's Heart, is a brief, down-to-earth and humorous look at life from a Biblical Christian perspective.

Some examples are:

Mothers and what normal is

There is life after this earthly existence ... even fishing

Are you a good fig or a bad fig? (Jeremiah 24)

Are you intimately valued and cared for by God, or just a part of His flock?

Do you ever feel God has forgotten you? (Psalm 13)

Can we really ever escape the chaos of this world?

Index to From Gini's Heart


A women's free Bible study on God's love

with commentary, homework, and
audio devotions

revised May - July 2021

When I first decided to do this study on God's love some years back, I was going to look up every Bible verse on love and go from there.  However the Holy Spirit made it very clear to me to write about God and what He has done for us.  This is because God’s actions scream of His love for us!

Course outline


Lesson 1 - God's love in creation

Lesson 2 - God's love and our sin

Lesson 3 - God's love and the death of Jesus Christ

Lesson 4 - God's love and the Holy Spirit

Lesson 5 - Jesus Christ shows us God's love

Lesson 6 - God is our loving Father

Lesson 7 - God's love will never end

Lesson 8 - God's love empowers us to love

Epilogue - You can love yourself because God first loved you